triple holdings

“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness”, which is why we want to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Together we can restore the beautiful forests, create habitat for the vast biodiversity and to make a positive social impact around the world, as trees produce clean air to breathe and an alluring climate surrounding to the eyes. As a diverse and substantial Organization, we make it an objective to always find ways to give back to the nature and keep in heart to always be ethical in anything we do. In that spirit we introduced our CSR project naming it- “ 1 tree matters”, where we educate ourselves the importance of trees and how planting even one single tree would make a huge difference to this rapidly developing environment. Our Boyagane team members got together and made it their sole aim to take a step forward and be sustainable making it a better place to breathe and smile naturally.

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